Caring for Your Smooth Top Range
In recent years, smooth top ranges have gained popularity. These affordable appliances offer a sleek, updated look in kitchens. However, the trade-off to having a glass-top appliance is that it often involves more frequent cleaning and care than electric coil or gas ranges.

Allow your glass top range to cool completely.
For daily cleanings, you can use a water and vinegar mixture (1 tbsp of white distilled vinegar per 10oz of water). Spray the mixture onto your range, then wipe away with a cloth.

For a thorough cleaning, use Range Kleen's 3-Piece Glass and Ceramic Range Cleaning Kit to remove grime, dirt and difficult messes.
Use the plastic Scrape & Kleen All Purpose Scraper to scrape any crusty or burnt-on residue. Next, grab the bottle of Smoothtop Kleener. Shake it well. Open the cap, pour a small amount directly onto the smooth top surface (less is more).

Spread the cleaner with the included sponge. Next buff the smooth top with a soft clean cloth.

Want to keep your Smooth Top Range protected? Check out Range Kleen's StoveShield™ Smooth Top Range Cover!

Boring but important info: Keep cleaner out of reach of children. The cleaner contains citric acid. First Aid: Rinse eyes with water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, contact a physician. DO NOT mix with other household chemicals.)